Equality act 2010 uk

The equality act 2010 a guide for employers whiskers. The equality act applies to discrimination based on. Equality act 2010 amendment bill hl 2014 uk parliament. It covers everyone in britain and protects people from discrimination, harassment and victimisation. For information about the equality act 2010 and your rights in bsl go to discrimination.

Through the equality act 2010 eqa, the labour government aimed to standardise existing definitions and concepts unless there was an overriding reason not to. The equality act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination. The equality act 2010 sets out when someone is considered to be disabled and protected from discrimination. This act has important consequences for workplaces in particular, covering everything from recruitment, working hours, and pay, to business policies, training, and grievance procedures. The equality act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society. The primary purpose of the act is to codify the complicated and numerous array of acts and regulations, which formed the basis of antidiscrimination law in great britain. View our guidance and resources to help public authorities meet the duty. The equality act 2010 and mental health cambridge core. If youve been discriminated again, find out what action you can take. The equality act 2010 was introduced to legally protect people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society the act came into force on 1st october 2010.

The equality act 2010 legally protects people from workplace discrimination and in the provision of goods and services. The equality act 2010 is an act of parliament of the united kingdom with the primary purpose of consolidating, updating and supplementing the numerous prior acts and regulations, that formed the basis of antidiscrimination law in great britain. Issues of defining disability in the equality act 2010. Equality act 2010 mind, the mental health charity help. Equality act 2010 equality and human rights commission. It replaced previous antidiscrimination laws with a single act, making the law easier to understand and strengthening protection in some situations. The equality act 2010 is a set of laws implemented by the uk government to protect the rights of individuals in society, and advance equal opportunities for everyone. This act replaces a number of previous legislations concerned with discrimination including the sex discrimination acts of 1975 and 1986, the race relations act 1976 and the disability discrimination act 1995. These are the sources and citations used to research equality act 2010. Opportunities seized, lost and generated 2011 40 ilj 359. View on westlaw or start a free trial today, section, equality act 2010, primarysources section, equality act 2010 practical law uk home global home new.

Protected characteristics is the name for the nine personal characteristics that are protected from. Equality act 2010 is up to date with all changes known to be in force on or before 17 february 2020. Latest news on the equality act 2010 amendment bill hl 2014. This act brings together and replaces numerous antidiscrimination laws passed since 1970, covering equal pay, gender, sexual orientation, race, and much more. It replaced previous legislation such as the race relations act 1976 and the disability discrimination act 1995 and ensures consistency in what employers and employees need to do to make their workplaces a fair environment and comply with the law. In 2010, the equality act replaced previous anti discrimination laws, bringing them together under one piece of legislation. A decade of the equality act 2010 opinion law gazette.

A summary guide to your rights, click on equality act 2010. Information about organisations responsibilities under the equality act 2010, as well as on a vast array of other work healthrelated topics, can be found on the fit for work advice hub. Your rights under the equality act 2010 equality and human rights. Equality act 2010 animation that explains act and the people affected by it. The equality act is a law which protects you from discrimination. The equality act 2010 was introduced to legally protect people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society. The hot dog vendor from the carol burnett show full sketch duration.

It brings together over 116 separate pieces of legislation into one single act. Ban on age discrimination in the provision of services, public functions and associations. Managersemployers would be well advised to familiarise themselves with the legislation to ensure that they are meeting their legislative requirements. The equality act 2010 replaced nine major pieces of discrimination legislation and other ancillary measures introduced over the last forty years. Facilities being offered must provide equal access to toilets for disabled customers visitors. It provides britain with a discrimination law which protects individuals from unfair treatment. So depending on your circumstances, the new act may protect you more. The equality act 2010 was introduced to provide a modern framework with a clear law to effectively tackle disadvantage and discrimination. Equality act was enacted on 1st of october, 2010 by the government of the uk. The ban came into force on 1 october 2012 and it is now.

Guidance to help schools understand how the equality act affects them and how to fulfil their duties under the act. I want to amend the equality act, says emma dabiri, author of dont touch my. The equality act 2010 includes provisions that ban age discrimination against adults in the provision of services and public functions. The equality act 2010 the equality act is the law that bans the unfair treatment of employees i.

Browse menu equality act 2010 practical law primary source 05055271 approx. Lawson disability and employment in the equality act 2010. It replaces previous antidiscrimination laws with a single act, making the law easier to understand and strengthening protection in some situations. There are changes that may be brought into force at a future date. What is the equality act and age discrimination laws age uk. May 20, 20 all bill documents latest news on the equality act 2010 amendment bill hl 2014. Equality of toilet provision the equality act 2010 the. To download an online copy of the equality act 2010. The majority of the act will come into force come into force on 1 october 2010. Equality act 2010, guidance the equality act 2010 appeared as a renewed effort to. This act covers over 116 different legislations for providing a comprehensive legal framework to safeguard the individuals rights and provide equal opportunity to everyone. You can also call 0800 032 0635 english or 0800 032 0633 cymraeg to speak to a dedicated advisor. The bill will harmonise and in some cases extend existing discrimination law covering the protected characteristics of age, disability, gender reassignment.

This stage is a formality that signals the start of the bills journey through the lords. The disability discrimination act, equality act and cancer. It means that discrimination or unfair treatment on the basis of certain personal characteristics, such as age, is now against the law in almost all cases. Section 8 of the eqa 2010 was repealed on 6 april 2014 and replaced. The equality act 2010 is the law that protects you from discrimination and gives you the right to challenge it. Second reading the general debate on all aspects of the bill is yet to be scheduled. Equality act 2010 discrimination and your rights citizens advice. Uk employment equality law equality impact assessment mandla v dowelllee gender recognition act.

Equality act 2010 equality in the workplace legislation. For example, you might be covered if you have a learning difficulty, dyslexia or autism. It simplified the legislation, removing inconsistencies and making it easier for people to understand and comply. Equality act 2010 discrimination in the welcome to gov. These parts of theact will come into effect on 1 october 2010. Spice briefing equality act 2010 scottish parliament. Equality act 2010 the equality act 2010 is a piece of legislation passed in october 2010.

Equality act 2010 public and commercial services union. The act provides a legal framework to protect the rights of individuals and advance equality of opportunity for all. Equality act 2010 2010 chapter 15 an act to make provision to require ministers of the crown and others when making strategic decisions about the exercise of their functions to have regard to the desirability of reducing socioeconomic inequalities. The legislation was intended to harmonise a number of different pieces of legislation to provide a single act to harmonise the law and provide a single framework to protect the rights of individuals and advance the. Disability and employment in the equality act 2010. Before that date, there were several separate legislative acts such as the race relations act, disability discrimination act and sex discrimination act, each of which covered. The equality act 2010 is an act of parliament of the united kingdom before 2010, there were many different acts laws and regulations rules in great britain which protected against different kinds of discrimination. The definition is quite wide so check it even if you dont think youre disabled. The equality act 2010 is an act of parliament of the united kingdom. Many arose from structural differences between the preexisting legislation governing disability. Care act 2014 support for local authorities and care providers from scie duration. Equality act 2010 animation protected characteristics.

The equality act 2010 for more than 40 years successive governments have introduced antidiscrimination laws both to create and to respond to changes in society, to promote civil rights and equality. Equality act 2010 2010 chapter 15 an act to make provision to require ministers of the crown and others when making strategic decisions about the exercise of their functions to have regard to the. A new equality act came into force on 1 october 2010. The uk equality act 2010 came into force on 1st october 2010, and is an act of parliament of the united kingdom. It means that discrimination or unfair treatment on the basis of certain personal. Before it was passed in 2010, disability discrimination came under the disability discrimination act 1995 dda. Uk equality act 2010 facts and information disabled world.

Public sector equality duty as part of the equality act, a public sector equality duty came into force on 5 april 2011. Explore the equality act 2010 the equality act 2010 prohibits discrimination whether direct or indirect against people who possess one of the protected characteristics, listed above. Equality act 2010 guidance for early years and childcare. Across the uk, cases of black children being punished for their hairstyles have escalated.

Aspects of the equality act relating to disability and making reasonable adjustments is covered in all of our training to empower you to be disability confident. The equality act came into force on 1 october 2010 and it aims to provide a simpler, more consistent and more effective legal framework for preventing discrimination. A person a discriminates against a disabled person b if a a treats b unfavourably because of something arising in consequence of bs disability, and b a cannot show that the treatment is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim. The equality act 2010 protects you from discrimination by. It permits greater scope for positive action, provides expressedly for discrimination based on more than one characteristic, and strengthens disability protections. Youre disabled under the equality act 2010 if you have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and longterm negative effect on your ability to do daily activities. The carol burnett show official recommended for you. Equality act 2010 is up to date with all changes known to be in force on or before 01 may 2020. The equality act 2010 the act forms part of the law in england, wales and scotland with the exception of section 190 and part 15. Me, the equality act 2010 and the workplace fit for work. Before that date, there were several separate legislative acts such as the race relations act, disability discrimination act and sex discrimination act, each of which covered different aspects of discrimination.

Equal pay questionnaire equality act 2010 practical law. Equality act 2010 life sciences bibliographies cite. Most of the equality act will start to apply in october 2010 and this guide covers the main changes coming into effect then. The act brings together over 100 separate pieces of legislation which includes sex, disability. The equality acts goal was to put all of these laws and protections together into one law, and make it easier to understand. View on westlaw or start a free trial today, section 18, equality act 2010, primarysources section 18, equality act 2010 practical law uk home global home new. Astra emir selwyns law of employment 12 th edition oxford page 129. The equality act 2010 replaced various antidiscrimination laws for example the disability discrimination act dda and the race relations amendment act with a single act. Equality act 2010 equality, diversity and inclusion. This equality act 2010 now forms the uk s core legal framework for dealing with discrimination. Equal pay questionnaire equality act 2010related contentquestion and answer forms and guidance notes for obtaining information on equality of terms under section 8 of the equality act 2010 eqa 2010, based on the statutory questions and replies set out in the equality act 2010 obtaining information order 2010. See our pages on disability discrimination for more information. The act is intended to simplify the law by bringing together existing antidiscrimination legislations, such as, the equal pay act 1970. Following agreement by both houses on the text of the bill it received royal assent on 8 april.

It also prohibits the harassment and victimisation of such people. It details the different ways in which its unlawful to treat someone and sets out a number of duties which public institutions. The stated aim of the act is to reform and harmonise discrimination law, and to strengthen the law to support progress on equality. It has since been used by the nhs to educate people on the act. The equality act 2010 is an act of parliament of the united kingdom with the primary purpose. The definition is set out in section 6 of the equality act 2010. The equality act applies to people with cancer or those who have had cancer in the past. The equality act changed all of the antidiscrimination laws such as sex discrimination act 1975, equal pay act 1970, race relations act 1976 and the special needs. Jun 16, 2015 the equality act 2010 includes provisions that ban age discrimination against adults in the provision of services and public functions.

The equality act 2010 in the uk, the equality act protects the rights of all disabled people, as individuals which includes sanitary facilities that are provided. It replaced more than 116 antidiscrimination laws, protecting. Fleur perry disability commentator, chocolate fan, sci and tech enthusiast last week, the house of lords select committee published their report. Equality act 2010 discrimination and your rights citizens. This bibliography was generated on cite this for me on wednesday, august 15, 2018 website. Definition of disability under the equality act 2010 gov.

The equality act entered into force in october 2010 and was established in order to lawfully safeguard individuals from discrimination in the office and external society. The equality act 2010 brought all the grounds of discrimination into one statute, harmonised definitions and concepts, and introduced new requirements and concepts. This summary guide tells you how the equality act 2010 changes how you have to act in order to prevent and address discrimination when you provide goods, facilities and services to the public, for example as a residential care home, community shop or afterschool club. Changes and effects are recorded by our editorial team in lists which can be found. Equality act 2010 simple english wikipedia, the free. The core provisions of the act came into force on 1 october 2010. Revised legislation carried on this site may not be fully up to date. Equality act 2010 research national improvement hub. Oct 08, 2010 two solicitors explain how the new equality act will affect workers in the uk. The act replaces all previous equality law including the equal pay act, the sex discrimination act, the race relations act, the disability discrimination act and the regulations outlawing discrimination on the basis of age, religion or belief and sexual orientation as well as all other related legislation.

The primary purpose of the uk equality act is to codify the complicated and numerous array of acts and. The legislation was intended to harmonise a number of different pieces of legislation to provide a single act to harmonise the law and provide a single framework to protect the rights of individuals and advance the principle of equality for all persons. Spice briefing equality act 2010 22 june 2011 1150 nicki georghiou this paper highlights the key changes implemented by the equality act 2010 and refers to specific provisions relevant to scotland. The equality act 2010 simplifies the current laws and puts them all together in one piece of legislation. On 1 october 2010, the equality act 2010 replaced all existing equality legislation such. The equality act has the same goals as the four major eu equal treatment directives, whose provisions it mirrors and implements. The equality act 2010 eqa was introduced not just to combine nine separate pieces of uk discrimination law into one act, but to raise the standard of protection from discrimination, through harmonisation, simplification and modification of equality law. Facilities being offered must provide equal access to toilets for disabled customers visitors and employees, to the same standard as nondisabled people. Before 2010, there were many different acts laws and regulations rules in great britain which protected against different kinds of discrimination.

Summary of the equality act 2010 the bill will harmonise and in some cases extend existing discrimination law covering the protected characteristics of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or. The equality act 2010 how has this act promoted antidiscriminatory practice and how successful has this been. Equality act technical guidance technical guidance on education, reasonable adjustments and psed. The equality act 2010 is the law that bans discrimination unfair treatment and helps achieve equal opportunities in the workplace and in wider society. Equality act 2010 is up to date with all changes known to be in force on or before 30 april 2020. Nov 03, 2015 the equality act 2010 in the uk, the equality act protects the rights of all disabled people, as individuals which includes sanitary facilities that are provided. An act to make provision tor require ministers of the crown and others when making strategic decisions about the exercise of their functions to have regard to the desirability of reducing socioeconomic inequalities.

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